Hot! Indian Supreme Court Rules on Aristocrat’s Millions

The grandchildren of a well-loved Indian Princess have won a lengthy legal battle over her assets, reports the Bangkok Post.

Image Credit: Ramesh Thakhur (Flickr)

Gayatri Devi as a young woman. Image Credit: Ramesh Thakhur (Flickr)

Maharani Gayatri Devi was a celebrated beauty who lived in a palace in the city of Jaipur and enjoyed an opulent lifestyle.

After her death in 2009 an “acrimonious showdown” began over a fortune estimated at being between $200,000 and $400,000.

Her grandchildren Devraj Singh and Lalitya Kumari, came up against claims from her step children, who argued they were also legal heirs, despite her will stating otherwise.

The Delhi Supreme court ruled in favor of her grandchildren, announcing their decision yesterday.

The system of “princely states” was dismantled following independence from Britain in 1947, however parts of the Jaipur estate remained intact.

For the full story see here.

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