Hot! IKEA Apologizes for Ladyboy Ad

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IKEA has issued an apology for the ladyboy TV ad it ran several weeks ago.

The “Forget to Deceive” ad depicts a woman, so excited by a bargain at the store that she speaks in a deep male voice, scaring a man away. The transgender community in Thailand, the Thai Transgender Alliance, was outraged by the ad’s mockery of the ladyboy culture, saying it was negative and stereotypical in nature.

In response, Gannrapee Chatchaidamrong, IKEA Thailand’s marketing manager, released a statement:

“We have carefully considered your concerns expressed in your letter and would like to apologize for any unintended offence created in the TV commercial which featured the surprise of a lady transgender customer who encounters the specials offered in our recent year end sale advertising campaign,” wrote Chatchaidamrong. “IKEA is for the many people, respecting individuals with different views and opinions. We welcome all people to the IKEA stores, independent of religion, political view, ethnic background or sexual preference etc.”

Read the full article here.

Related articles: IKEA Ad Upsets Thailand’s Ladyboys


Photo attribution: Flickr photo courtesy of peterkellystudios


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