Hot! Forced Anal Examinations on Gay Men in Egypt

Six men in Egypt were subjected to anal examinations this week after being arrested for “promoting sexual deviancy” and “debauchery”, Reuters reports.

The examinations were carried out by the Forensic Medical Authority for the purpose of determining whether the men had had homosexual sex in order to charge them with crimes. Amnesty International said the examinations violate international laws prohibiting torture. Najia Bounaim, the organization’s North Africa Campaigns Director, described the examinations as “abhorrent” and “deplorable”, saying they should be stopped immediately.

The Public Prosecutor disagrees. “The examinations are carried out by a forensic doctor who swore to respect his profession and its ethics,” he said.

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Egyptian authorities are currently cracking down on the LGBT community, with police using dating sites to entrap people they suspect of being homosexual. Last week, a group of men was arrested for raising a rainbow flag at a concert (, and since then, at least 11 other people have been arrested.

Read the full story here(

Related Articles: Men Arrested in Egypt for Raising Rainbow Flag

Image: Boaz

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