Hot! Endangered Tree Species Might Aid in Tackling Illegal Logging

031513_Siam Rosewood_Shubhada Nikharge

The Siam Rosewood, a prized, endangered tree species that grows in Southeast Asia, recently gained official protection which may aid in tackling illegal logging.

The hardwood is often sold in the Chinese black market at high prices, and while logging the tree is illegal in Thailand, loggers from neighboring countries enter Thailand to illegally harvest the wood. Consequently, conflicts between Thai law enforcement agencies and loggers has increased. Now that the tree has gained formal endangered status, law enforcement agencies will now be able to seize and confiscate the wood.

In addition, the agencies now have a “legal tool” to use in China, where the wood’s black market has spurred smuggling and violence. According to Thailand criminal defense lawyers, offenses relating to trade in Thailand can be punishable with three years in jail or a fine of six thousand baht. This is even more serious if the seller lies about where the original product came from.

Read the full article here.


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Flickr photo courtesy of Shubhada Nikharge 

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