Hot! Drunk Driving Remains a Huge Problem in Thailand

In just the four days leading up to New Year’s Day, over 18,000 people were sent to court on drunk driving charges–over 8,000 on New Year’s Eve alone.

Drunk driving accounted for nearly a third of the accidents between Dec. 27-31.

In the four day period alone, 256 were killed and 2,588 injured in 2,529 road accidents nationwide.

The number of arrests for drunk driving was staggeringly high during the end of the year considering that Thailand has long suffered lax enforcement of its drunk driving laws.

On paper, Thai law stipulates that those caught drinking and driving face up to one year in prison, a fine up to 20,000 baht, and a driver’s license suspension of at least 6 months.

But in reality, most Thais caught violating Thailand’s drunk driving laws are rarely face stiff penalties, most getting away with a fine and a suspended sentence.

Over one-quarter of all Thailand road accidents involve impaired driving due to alcohol.

Read the full story here.

Related: Thailand’s New Traffic Laws Explained

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