Hot! Drone Used to Catch Prostitute

Anti-prostitution activist Brian Bates says his GPS-guided drone recently captured a female prostitute engaged in a lewd act.

He says:

“There was a vehicle that had stopped and picked up a female that I knew to be a prostitute…. “I’ve actually caught several people on this piece of property.”

Image Credit: jacinta lluch valero (Flickr)

Image Credit: jacinta lluch valero (Flickr)

This is cited as one of the first ever cases to use drone footage as evidence to prosecute someone in a prostitution related crime.

Law enforcement doesn’t usually use drones because of the extra legal hurdles they require.

Read more here.

Also in prostitution news, a Los Angeles city council official is planning to scan car license plates; with those seen to be driving through known prostitution zones, having a “letter of shame” sent to them. The Activist Post calls this ‘one of the most chilling uses of license plate scanners ever,’

Read more on that story here.

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