Thailand Financial, Economic, and Business Laws:
Financial Institution Business Act B.E. 2551 |
Foreign Business Act Amendments |
Credit Information Business Act B.E. 2545 |
Act Determining Offences Relating to Partnerships, Companies, Associations and Foundations 1956 |
Derivatives Act B.E. 2546 |
Foreign Business Act Amendments Question and Answer |
Draft Amendments to Foreign Business Act  |
Money Laundering Control Act, (No. 2), B.E. 2551  |
Buying a Condominium in Thailand  |
Securities and Exchange Act
B.E. 2535  |
The Trust for Transactions in Capital Market Act
B.E. 2550 (2007) |
Thai Public Broadcasting Service Act B.E.2551(2008)  |
Accounting Professions Act, B.E. 2547 (2004)  |
Employment and Job-Seeker Protection Act, B.E. 2528 (1985)  |
Insurance Business Regulation and Promotion Committee Act, B.E. 2550 (2007)  |
Commercial Banking Act B.E.2505  |
National Economic and Social Development Act B.E.2521 (1978)  |
Act on the undertaking of finance, securities and credit foncier business Act,B.E. 2522  |
Management of Partnership Stakes and Shares of Ministers Act, B.E.2543 (2000)  |
Trade Association Act, B.E.2509  |
Thailand Currency Act  |
Financial Institution Business Act 2008  |
Bank of Thailand Act  |
Thailand Exchange Control Act |
Limited Company Law of Thailand  |
Public Limited Company Act
B.E.2535  |
Chamber of Commerce Act B.E.2509  |
Accounting Act B.E.2543 (2000)  |
Export-Import Bank of Thailand Act B.E.2536 (1993)  |
Business Act of 1999  |
2007 Draft Foreign Business Act Amendments  |
Unemployment Benefits Ministerial Regulation 19 June 2009  |
Investment Promotion Act, B.E. 2520  |
Currency Act B.E. 2501  |
Direct sales and direct marketing Act, BE 2545  |
Old Age Pension Ministerial Regulation Law  |
Ministerial Regulation Re: Overtime and Holiday Pay |
Registration Department Regulation No. 102 2006 Translation
by Siam Global Associates Co., Ltd.  |
Government Lottery Office Act B.E.2517  |
Foreigners' Working Management Emergency Decree, B.E. 2560 (2017)  |
Electronic Payments Act B.E. 2544(2001)  |
The Statistics Act B.E.2550(2007)  |
Public Limited Company Act, B.E. 2535  |
Consumer Protection Act, B.E. 2522 (1979)  |
Machinery Registration Act, B.E.2514  |
Industrial Product Standards Act B.E.2511  |
Thailand Product Liability Act  |
Thailand Land, Property, and Real Estate Laws:
Thailand Communication and Information Technology laws:
Thailand Procedural Laws:
Thailand Military Laws:
Thailand Weapons and Arms Laws:
Thailand Environment, Natural Resource, and Energy Laws:
Thailand Gambling Laws:
Thailand Fuel Laws:
Thailand Alcohol and Narcotics Laws:
Thailand Agricultural, and Animal and Pest Control Laws:
Thailand Customs, Trade, and Control of Commodities Laws:
Thailand Social Welfare, Social Security, and Civil Service Acts:
Thailand Human Rights laws and Formation of Government Commissions:
Child Protection Acts and Statutes:
Thailand Parental Rights Laws
Thailand Labour Laws:
Thailand Criminal Laws and Justice Administration Laws:
Thailand Healthcare and Medical Practice Laws:
Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
Thailand Private Higher Education Laws:
Thailand Immigration Laws:
Thailand Counter Corruption Laws:
Thailand Intellectual Property Law: Copyrights, Patents and Trademarks
Thailand Ministry Regulations
Trade Decisions Involving Thailand
Alien Tort Claims Cases