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Neither Free nor Fair:
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Annex 4

Activities Under Article 6(5)
(a)Acceleration of the implementation of the Singapore-Kunming Rail Link and Bangkok-Kunming Highway projects under the framework of ASEAN Mekong Basin Development Cooperation (AMBDC) and the Greater Mekong Sub-region (GMS). Programme respectively.
(b)"""Implementation of the mid-term and long-term plans for the allround development of the Greater Mekong Sub region (GMS) mapped out by-the 1st GMS Summit held in Cambodia.
(c)Designation of the focal points in ASEAN Member States and China as the centres to facilitate and promote, through specific procedures and mechanisms to %be developed, trade and investment between the Parties._
(d)Exploration of the possibility to'develop the mutual recognition arrangements in areas of mutual interests, for example, agricultural products, electronic and electrical equipment, and completed within agreed timeframes.
(e)Establishment of co-operatfon .mechanism between standards and conformity authorities of the Parties with a view to enhancing.trade facilitation and co-operation in other areas.
(f)Implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding on Agricultural Cooperation between the Parties signed in
November 2002.
(g)Conclusion of a Memorandum of Understanding on co-operation between the Parties in information and
communications technology sector.
(h) Development of specific programmes with a view, to further strengthening co-operation in the area of human resources development, utilising, among other mechanisms, the ASEAN China Cooperation Fund.

(i) Establishment of specific technical programmes with a view to further assisting the newer ASEAN Member States to build their capacity for regional integration and facilitation of the WTO accession process of the non-WTO ASEAN Member States.

(j) Establishment of co-operation mechanism between customs authorities of the Parties with a view to enhancing trade facilitation and co-operation in other areas.

(k) Establishment of co-operation mechanism between the relevant authorities of the Parties in the field of Intellectual Property Rights protection.

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