Hot! China Sends Ships to Islands Bought by Japan

Bangkok Post | China has dispatched two patrol ships to “assert its sovereignty” over islands at the centre of a row with Japan, state media said Tuesday, as Tokyo completed its purchase of the disputed territory.

The two marine surveillance ships had reached the waters around the Diaoyu islands — known in Japan as the Senkaku islands — and would “take actions pending the development of the situation,” the Xinhua news agency said.

The arrival came as the Japanese government announced it had completed its planned purchase of the islands, which lie in a strategically important shipping area with valuable mineral resources thought to be nearby.

“This should cause no problem for Japan’s ties with other countries and regions,” said Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Osamu Fujimura.

“We have absolutely no desire for any repercussions as far as Japan-China relations are concerned. It is important that we avoid misunderstanding and unforeseen problems,” he told reporters.

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