Hot! Chemical Castration for Pedophiles in Indonesia

Pedophiles can also be sentenced to death under new lawflag-857988_960_720

Indonesia passed a new law that authorizes chemical castration, minimum sentences and execution for convicted pedophiles reports the BBC.

The law is the government’s way of better protecting its minors. Although heavily criticized by the Great Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) and the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS), members from 10 other parties passed it in lieu of another law passed earlier this year that allows judges to decide the sentences based on individual cases.

The law comes after a 14 year old girl was gang raped and murdered in Sumatra earlier this year.

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The changes include a 10 year minimum sentence, chemical castration and embedding microchips in convicted pedophiles to enable tracking. Depending on the case, sex offenders can also be executed.

Chemical castration involves the administration of female hormones in men that reduces sex drive, compulsive sexual fantasies, and capacity for sexual arousal. It is currently performed in Poland, South Korea and some parts of the U.S.

Read the full story here

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