What Are Your Employment Rights As A Foreigner Working In Thailand?

by Admin on July 8, 2013

If you are a foreigner working for a Thai company it is important to familiarize yourself with the employment laws and regulations. They are probably very different to labor and employment laws in your home country.

Employment in Thailand may be terminated for a variety of reasons:

  • Completing a project
  • Expiry of a fixed term contract
  • Resignation
  • Gross misconduct

Examples of gross misconduct dishonestly, committing an act of crime at work, causing harm at work, gross negligence, breaking a rule for which a previous written warning has been provided to the employee, being AWOL for three consecutive days with no good reason, receiving a prison sentence.

The amount of severance payable due to a leaving employee increases with length of service. More details can be found through the Department of Labor, Protection and Welfare.

All nationalities have the same employment rights in Thailand, saveforeigners will additional issues due to their work permit and their visa.

Some considerations for you to think about:

1. Insist you are provided with a written contract of employment – that way both you and your employer are clear on what your terms and conditions of employment are

2. Do not agree to work for a company unless they provide you with a work permit – working in Thailand illegally can leave you vulnerable to imprisonment or deportation

3. Keep a careful record of your salary – payslips are rarely provided in Thailand

4. If your employment is terminated seek advice from your employer or a Thailand employment lawyer about your work permit and visa status

Relevant Video:


Related Documents:Thailand Labour Law

Thailand Provident Fund

Thailand Social Security Act


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