Western Women and Thailand’s Sex Tourism Industry

by Admin on February 3, 2012

Although Thailand’s main attractions for tourists usually revolve around Thailand’s beaches, Thai food, nature, adventure sports, and cultural activities, the country also has a significant adult entertainment industry. Though Thailand is perhaps less well know for the sex industry than some of its neighbors (like Singapore), nevertheless there are pockets of tourist areas that cater to both the adult nightlife and the courtship industries.

Popular international dating websites cater to Western male-Thai female couples, and Thailand Lawyers do a brisk business in Thailand prenuptial agreements and Thailand marriage arrangements for Thai-Foreign couples.

But what about the Western women who are largely excluded from this bustling social scene – how do they feel about their male counterparts traveling to Thailand for romance? We decided to get the other side of the story.



This video, when first posted, engendered a lively debate about the value of the viewpoints and comments of the Western women we spoke with. It should be noted that the diverse opinions presented in the video do not represent our own opinions. We have only provided a forum for rational discussion.

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