Wednesday News Roundup

by Admin on April 18, 2012

New York Prostitutes Attempt to Curb Condom Confiscation

Sex worker advocates in New York are pushing state authorities to prohibit police officers from using condoms as evidence during prostitution investigations. The rights groups argue that prostitutes are being discouraged from carrying or using condoms because police officers frequently confiscate the items during prostitution investigations, and use the condoms as evidence to arrest the sex workers in question. Such tactics

Of course, condom confiscation is only an issue if prostitution is actually illegal, which brings us to our second issue of the day…

Columbian Town Unimpressed with Secret Service Sex Scandal

The USA might be up in arms about the recent Secret Service prostitution scandal in Cartegena, Columbia, but locals seem relatively unconcerned about the issue. Prostitution is legal in Columbia, and according to town authorities, the agents in question did nothing wrong, as the incident only involved consenting adults. Indeed, the hotel where the agents were staying have allegedly not even filed a criminal complaint, as the agents violated no Columbian laws.

Cartagena locals have conceded that the Secret Service agents’ actions were indeed problematic in that they compromised the security of President Obama, who they were supposed to be devoting their energies to protecting. That said, perhaps the president should be more concerned about security threats coming from an unexpected quarter…

Ted Nugent Threatens Obama (and Possibly Himself) Over Gun Control

It seem that the Secret Service has focused its attentions on country music star Ted Nugent (when the Service isn’t living it up in Columbia), following a series of inflammatory remarks from the loud-mouthed musician. Nugent, who has long been a vocal gun-rights supporter, claimed that should president Obama be re-elected, he plans to be either “dead or in jail” by next year. Despite the fact that Nugent appears to be threatening his own life as much as that of the Commander-in-Chief, the Secret Service is taking the statement very seriously, and has launched an investigation of the star. What we’re wondering is why an individual who has carved his own name into a fan’s arm, sliced his leg open with a chainsaw, and gained legal guardianship of his 17-year-old girlfriend hasn’t been investigated before.

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