Vietnam Taking Steps To Move Towards Gay Marriage

by Admin on November 5, 2013



Gay and lesbian couples in Vietnam may soon be allowed to hold relationship ceremonies, as the country’s lawmakers begin a debate that gay-rights advocates and their allies hope could one day lead the country to permit same-sex marriage reports The Wall Street Journal.

Gay rights issues have traditionally been taboo in communist-ruled Vietnam, where same-sex couples have in the past been fined for holding relationship ceremonies.

On Sunday 3 November 2013, people gathered in Hanoi to rally in support of equal rights for gay couples.

The issue of same sex marriage has been widely debated in Thailand recently, which is rumored to be the first Asian country set to legalize gay marriage. Jiraporn Thongpong, a Thailand attorney with Chaninat and Leeds however cautions, “it is fantastic that Thailand is reported to introduce gay marriage, setting the barrier for other Asian countries to follow, but it is important for people to bear in mind that despite its apparent openness and tolerance, it is still very much a conservative country”.

Vietnam’s National Assembly is scheduled to begin debate on Tuesday 5 November on amending their Law of Marriage and the Family legislation.

 Read the full story here

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Flickr photo credit: mariachily

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