Videos Emerge of Plans to Disrupt Trump Inauguration

by Admin on January 18, 2017

Protesters scheme to deploy butyric acid through air vents

Project Veritas has released part I and II of its series to expose the leaders of the DisruptJ20 movement actively scheming in criminal activities to disrupt President-Elect Donald Trump’s inauguration.

Part I is a video in which undercover journalists videotape the group known as the DC Anti-Fascist Coalition during their discussion on how to get butyric acid into the ventilation of the building set to hold the Deploraball event.

Watch the video below:

In part II of its series, DJ20 leaders discussed “expressed plans to block all major points of ingress to the District of Columbia by highway, bridge, and Metro Rail.” The leaders can also been seen talking about paying the homeless to help “block the…vehicle traffic and the pedestrian traffic flowing in the inauguration.”

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Watch the video below:

Original article from Project Veritas

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