Valentine’s Day Banned for Pakistanis While Israelis Get Adult Toys

by Admin on February 16, 2017

Burger King sells sex toys on V-Day while celebration alone deemed amoral in Pakistan

happy_valentines_day_by_dj_elcy-d76e041Photo by DJ-Elcy

A court in Islamabad banned all Valentine’s Day celebrations claiming that the day goes against Islamic teachings and is an amoral westernization that is not part of Muslim culture.

Japan Times reports, “The judge ruled on a petition seeking to ban public celebrations of the Western holiday, court official Niaz Saleh said. He said the order had been sent to Pakistan’s media regulator to ensure a blackout on any Valentine’s Day promotions in print or electronic media.”

The decision was made by a court in Islamabad and the ruling will only affect the capital as the court holds no jurisdiction outside of it.

A similar ban was placed in Islamabad last year.

Meanwhile Burger King in Israel offered a new meal deal on Valentine’s day which included an “adult toy”.

According to Independent, the adults-only meal contained two Whoppers, two packets of fries, two beers and an unspecified sex toy.

Read more here and here

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Jason Michael November 9, 2017 at 18:37

Nice blog, thanks for sharing.

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