Mug shot Sites Ruining Lives

by Admin on December 12, 2017

Around 78 million Americans with criminal records, whether they have been charged or not, are targets for websites such as that take mug shots from police departments and post them online. To remove them usually requires a large sum of money.

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Authorities are marking these websites as “exploitative”, and legislators in states such as Texas are pushing to make it illegal to charge for removal fees. However, these websites have managed to find loopholes and the laws regarding mug shot sites have proved to be ineffective with those targeted.

Plaintiffs describe the website as making “life hard” as they can’t escape their criminal past, it affects their job prospects and the information is not always accurate. An attorney from, explains that the mug shots are public records and their right to post them online is covered by the First Amendment Act.

Read the full story here

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Image: Raquel Baranow

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