US Child Sex Offenders to Have Passports Labeled

by Admin on November 3, 2017

American child sex offenders will be labeled as such in their passports so that they can be identified when traveling overseas, the New York Times reports.

The State Department announced the decision last Wednesday, stating that registered child sex offenders will have their passports revoked, after which they’ll be required to apply for new ones. Their new passports will contain a printed notice that reads “the bearer was convicted of a sex offense against a minor, and is a covered sex offender pursuant to U.S. law”.

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The decision came in response to “International Megan’s Law”, which is named after Megan Kana, a seven-year-old girl who was murdered by a convicted child sex offender. The law triggered the creation of sex offender registries in several states.

The State Department said the regulation will “not prevent covered sex offenders from departing the United States, nor will it affect the validity of their passports.”

Read the full story here

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Image: Clappstar

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