UK Woman Did Not Realise Divorce Would Terminate Marriage

by Admin on January 22, 2014

A UK woman has tried to unsuccessfully sue two firms of solicitors claiming that they had failed to warn her that divorcing her husband would terminate her marriage.

The Independent reports that the woman believes the solicitors should have instead suggested a judicial separation which would not have formally terminated her marriage.

In times where Western countries appear to be turning more and more into a compensation culture, this is not the first time a firm have solicitors have been filed for negligence arising out of a divorce case. In 2011, a firm of Canadian lawyers were sued for $14 million for failing to properly quantify the opposing spouses assets.

In Thailand divorce law there are both voidable marriages and marriages which are void. A voidable marriage is one that is valid until it is declared otherwise, while a void marriage is considered by Thai law to have been invalid from the beginning. Furthermore, a marriage may only be dissolved by Thai courts on the basis of being voidable if a petition to do so is made within a certain time limit.

Read the full article here

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