UK Government Supports Three Person IVF

by Admin on June 28, 2013

The BBC reports that the UK looks set to become the first country to allow babies to be created from three different people using IVF.

Preliminary regulations are set to be drafted later this year, but it is thought this procedure could be offered in as soon as two years.

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The report has caused widespread debate, with some offering that the procedure could be the perfect means of eliminating genetic diseases, with others arguing it is unethical and could lead to other forms of genetic modification.

It is hoped up to ten couples a year would benefit from the treatment. Those involved with the research are quick to add that it will only be offered to couples in the most urgent of cases.

In Thailand, although medical technology has made great advances in the field of IVF pregnancies and surrogate births, the development  of the law in these areas has unfortunately lagged behind. Nevertheless, IVF implantation, egg donation and surrogacy are relatively new areas of medicine and Thailand’s Medical Council has taken a cautious and conservative approach. The legal issues relating to surrogacy in Thailand need to be taken on a case by case approach.

Read the full article here

Related Documents: Surrogacy Law in Thailand


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