U.S Service Members Caught in Pedophile Ring in Okinawa

by Admin on February 24, 2017

At least 36 service members have been arrested

Photo by  United States Navy with the ID 051207-N-6507M-067

At least 36 service members from the US have been arrested in Okinawa since 2015 in child sex stings operated by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service.

According to a report by Japan Times, marines make the majority of those involved in the child sex scandal with ranks ranging from private to lieutenant colonel.

The arrested individuals have received two to three years prison sentence after which they are required to register as sex offenders.

Lawyers who represented the arrested service members describe the NCIS operations which have been dubbed ““To Catch A Predator” saying the NCIS had female sailors post messages online including personals section of Craigslist and on the Whisper messaging app. After being contacted by service members, the sailors would engage in sexually provocative chats, when the women describe themselves as 14 to 15 years of age. When the members go to meet the females in person — either at a house temporarily leased to the NCIS within Kadena Air Base or an ice cream shop in American Village, a popular tourist area in Chatan Town, NCIS arrest the service members.

The NCIS has received criticism for their handling of the case with some accusing the NCIS of “absolutely entrapping people into committing crimes they wouldn’t otherwise commit.”

Read more here

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

PedroPop February 24, 2017 at 15:01

Anyone unjustly accused of any criminal offenses in Asia should get a hold of a law firm, preferably one that has international criminal defense lawyers

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