Trump’s Muslim Travel Ban Ruled Constitutional

by Admin on June 27, 2018

The Supreme Court upheld Donald Trump’s travel ban that barred individuals from five Muslim-majority countries from entering the US, according to the Guardian.

The court ruled 5-4 in favor of the government’s argument that the ban was within the president’s power to craft national security as well as his authority to “suspend entry of aliens into the United States”.

The ruling falls in line with the past two decades of ruling dealing with expanded executive power and national security matters.

Opponents said that the ban was unconstitutional because it discriminated against individuals from those countries based on religious grounds.

In the dissenting opinion, Justice Sonia Sotomayor said there are unmistakable similarities between this ruling and Korematsu v United States, which upheld the internment of Japanese citizens in the US.

“As here, the government invoked an ill-defined national security threat to justify an exclusionary policy of sweeping proportion,” Sotomayor said. “As here, the exclusion was rooted in dangerous stereotypes about, inter alia, a particular group’s supposed inability to assimilate and desire to harm the United States.”

The five countries barred are Iran, Libya, Syria, Somalia, and Yemen.

Read the full story here.

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