Foreigners Barred by Trumps Travel Ban to Receive Help with Visa Reapplications

by Admin on September 2, 2017

According to The Guardian, foreigners who were affected by Donald Trump’s travel ban back in January will receive help from the US government to reapply for visas.

The decision came as a result of a lawsuit brought against the Trump administration by civil rights lawyers. They reached the deal on Thursday, the terms of which included that the government will notify people who were previously banned that the Department of Justice will help them reapply for visas for a three-month period.

The government hasn’t disclosed the total number of people this applies to, so the amount of people who will benefit from this settlement is unknown.

Chaninat & Leeds are US immigration lawyers in Thailand assist Thai fiancées with US visa application.

The original travel ban applied to seven Muslim countries; Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen. However, it was blocked by a federal judge just eight days after it was announced and was later upheld by the Supreme Court.

Read more here

Related Articles: US Travel Ban Restored by Supreme Court

Image by Sean Hobson

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