Trump Signs 3 More Orders

by Admin on February 10, 2017

The orders were on crimes, cartels and law enforcement

Donald_Trump_signs_Executive_Orders_January_2017Source: White House Facebook Page (Signing orders on  construction of the Keystone XL and Dakota Access pipelines)

Following his first three controversial executive orders, Donald Trump has given his signature to three more on Thursday.

The Epoch Times reports, the president signed the first order “to enforce federal laws against transnational criminal organizations and international drug traffickers,” and “the second and third orders were signed to establish a new task force on crime reduction and promoting public safety.”

The orders were issued shortly after the swearing in ceremony of Jeff Sessions, now Attorney General of the US.

Epoch Times quoted Trump as saying, “I am signing three executive actions today designed to restore safety in America,” saying that they will lessen the “threat of rising crime,” and adding “things will get better very soon.”

Read more here

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