Transgender Trio To Challenge Sharia Law In Appeals Court

by Admin on May 16, 2014

On May 22 2014, three transgender people are expected to challenge Section 66 of Negeri Sembilan’s Syariah (Sharia) Criminal Enactment 1992 in the Court of Appeal, asking the court to strike down the law reports The Raykat Post.

Although their MyKad label them as males, the three petitioners identified themselves as female and they were arrested for wearing feminine attire by state religious officials.

“This is a discriminatory law,” said Human Rights Watch (HRW) lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender rights (LGBT) senior researcher Neela Ghoshal.

Commenting on the case, their lawyer, “It’s a civil rights issue. It’s about harming a person’s dignity, devaluing and degrading them because of who they are.”

Despite being known for its acceptance of transgenders, transgender laws in Thailand have only recently begun to be addressed.

Read the full article here

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