Transgender News Update

by Admin on October 2, 2012

Transgender Third-Grader Allowed to Use Girls’ Restroom

Thailand, law, lawyer, legal, illegal, transgender, third-grader, student, boy, girl, transsexual, girls’ restroom, bathroom, school, school district, women’s restroom, prison, jail, ruling, court, sex change, man, inmate, judge

A transgender third-grader in New Hampshire has now been allowed to use the women’s restroom and wear girls’ clothes at his school.

The student’s parents reached an agreement with the Nashua County school district after their child changed schools within the district.

Janson Wu, the attorney who represented the New Hampshire student, told CBS Boston that schools need to have policies in place to protect transgender and gender-variant youth, in addition to comprehensive anti-bullying policies.

Nashua superintendent Mark Conrad told the Union Leader that the district “[doesn’t] have a specific policy on transgender students,” but that there are policies in place to prevent discrimination against students and bullying.

In a related story, Thailand provides “special restrooms” for transgender students.

Transgender Restroom in Thailand

Massachusetts Appeals Sex Change Surgery for Prisoner

Massachusetts governor Deval Patrick’s administration appealed a ruling by a federal court judge ordering state officials to provide a sex-reassignment surgery on Michelle Kosilek, a prison inmate convicted of murdering his wife.

U.S. District Court Chief Judge Mark Wolf said treatment was medically necessary after examination from Department of Correction physicians and stated that the surgery was medically necessary. He also ruled that the Eight Amendment was violated when the department denied Kosilek care.

The cost of the surgery is estimated to be between $7,000 to more than $50,000 which would come out of tax payer’s money.

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