Tourists Coming to Thailand May Be Mandated to Get Insurance

by Admin on June 5, 2017

The tourism ministry says that it is unable to keep up with the growing number of tourists

All travelers visiting Thailand may soon be mandated to obtain travel insurance prior to their arrival.

The proposal was put forward by a committee that’s promoting development in Thailand and will be reviewed by the national tourism policy commission.

Bangkok Post reports, “Under the proposal, the Office of the Insurance Commission would draft details on insurance policies and insurance distribution channels, including the installation of automatic vending machines at international airports and border checkpoints.”

The plan was first introduced last year due the increasing number of tourists in Thailand. The Tourism and Sports Ministry allegedly felt that it did not have the manpower to ascertain the safety of the visitors.

In 2017 alone, Thailand has seen the arrival of  9,194,057 tourists.

Read more here

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Image by Oliver Mallich

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