The New UK Domestic Abuse Coercive and Controlling Behavior Law: A Summary

by Admin on February 5, 2016

A new law was introduced in the UK recently, which covers coercive and controlling abuse in relationships. It aims to protect victims of extreme psychological and emotional abuse, who will be able to bring their perpetrators to justice.

Abusers can now face five years behind bars for emotional and psychological abuse.

Such behavior does not relate to a singular incident, but rather a consistent pattern of damaging behavior, such as:

• Taking control of someone’s daily life – where they go, with whom and what they wear
• Isolating a person from friends and family
• Controlling of finances
• Repeated criticism and telling them they are worthless
• Monitoring someone’s online use
• Death threats

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This behavior must occur ‘repeatedly and continuously’ to fall under the law, and must be causing the victim considerable stress.

Learn more here.

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