The Divorce Resort, the Divorce Capital, and Terroristic Five-Year Olds

by Admin on January 22, 2013

The Divorce Resort: a more relaxing way to “un-tie” the knot

Looking to divorce in a more tranquil, less-stressful environment? Mud baths and massages included? Try the Divorce Hotel, a new resort in the Netherlands that helps couples finalize their divorce.

Before booking, couples are required to sign off on an agreement saying they’ll leave with a settlement. The couples never have to see each other, since founder Daryl Weinman mediates private meetings with both parties. If either couple finds themselves nearing a stress threshold, they’re able go play a round of golf or head to the spa.

Could this kind of mediation be too relaxing? Maybe: Weinman says the “method is not for everyone.”

UK Supreme Court hears divorce case – again

While you could head to the Divorce Resort in the Netherlands to un-tie the knot, some might say London is the preferred location for divorce rulings. The city has been called the “Divorce Capital of the World” because of its so-called generosity in shelling out hefty payouts after divorce or prenuptial rulings.

Recently, a third divorce-related dispute has wound up in UK’s Supreme Court, drawing calls from lawyers for marital law reform. The Law Commission, which decides whether or not laws need updating, has already began to look at the country’s pre-nup legislation and is projected to give recommendations on reform this year.

Thailand divorce cases can get messy as well. Many foreigners come to the country and find love, and years later, find themselves shelling out money in Thai-foreign divorce disputes.

5-year-old kindergartner: a “terroristic threat”

In Pennsylvania, a kindergartner was given a lengthy suspension for controversial comments she made while waiting for the bus. The five-year-old said something along the lines of, “I’m gonna shoot you, you can shoot me and we can all play together.”

An adult overheard, and the next day, the child was in the principal’s office being questioned and then suspended for making a “terroristic threat.” School administrators also required she receive a psychiatric evaluation before being permitted back.

The suspension eventually was shortened and the accusation was put a bit more mildly (“threatening to harm another student”). But the lesson of the story remains: you can’t trust five-year-old’s.

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