The Divorce Niche in the Real Estate Market

by Admin on April 2, 2013

For real estate agents showing a home to prospective buyers or selling a home for clients looking to trade up, the job seems relatively simple. But what if that home belongs to a couple in the midst of a divorce?

Things can get hairy.

Consider this, as reported in The New York Times:

“How does one represent two people who won’t speak to each other? How does an agent show an apartment that has been divided by awkwardly placed locks or temporary walls? And what if your client’s highest priority is making sure their former partner does not come out ahead?”

In those cases, hopefully the soon-to-be-separated couple has a good divorce lawyer — and an even better real estate agent.

There’s a niche in the real estate market that’s gaining footing, and that niche is targeting divorced couples trying to sell their home.

Real estate firms that specialize in the market have their strategies. When showing a home, for instance, they’ll add the opposite genders clothes to a closet if half of it looks bare. Real estate agents will have the same conversation twice – ensuring things go harmoniously.

Bangkok Divorce Attorney

Our Thailand divorce lawyers assist in all aspects of obtaining an internationally recognized Thailand divorce.

The niche is a needed and prosperous one, because the “claws” so often come out.

“We’re familiar with how to handle clients that have restraining orders,” said one lawyer.


Related texts: Divorce Law in Thailand

Is A Foreign Divorce Valid in the US?

Related blog posts: Divorce in the News (March 20, 2013 edition)

Divorce in the News (March 12, 2013 edition)

Divorce in the News (February 22, 2013 edition)

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