The 10 Craziest Laws From Around the World

by Admin on November 19, 2015

The world is a crazy place. But then, you didn’t really need us to tell you that, did you?

Just for fun, here is our top 10 list of the wackiest laws from around the world. We’re guessing not many of these are regularly enforced, but they still remain valid. Be sure to let us know your favorite from out list, or if you’ve heard of a weirder law that we’ve missed out.

Have a crazy day everyone!

1. In France, it’s illegal to sell a doll without a human face
2. in Bangladesh, a child over 15 can be sent to jail for cheating in an exam
3. In Australia, a man can cross-dress to his heart’s content, however he may not wear a strapless dress (huh?!)
4. In England it’s illegal to die in the Houses of Parliament (how would they arrest you for doing so?)
5. In Florida, it’s illegal for a widowed or divorced woman to skydive on a Sunday afternoon
6. In Thailand, it’s illegal to leave home without your underwear on (let’s hope they don’t introduce spot-checks)
7. In England it is illegal to put a stamp on a letter the wrong way up
8. In Samoa, it’s illegal to forget your wife’s birthday.
9. In Honolulu, Hawaii, it’s illegal to sing loudly after sunset

And our favorite…

10. In Florida, it’s illegal to fart in public after 6pm on a Thursday.


American lawyers in Thailand Chaninat and Leeds are experts in Thai law – even the crazy ones.


It’s a crazy world folks.

See more here and here.

Image Credit: compresif (Flickr)
Don’t leave home without them in Thailand! Image Credit: compresif (Flickr)

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