Thailawforum’s Interview with author, Jake Needham: “Stories in Asia are more interesting”

by Admin on February 18, 2014

Thailawforum recently interviewed American expatriate crime novelist, Jake Needham. In the following video, Needham discusses his latest title, King of Macau, his bestselling book, The Big Mango, and how he ended up living in Asia for the last 25 years. In the interview Needham remarks on many other topics including the 2013-2014 Bangkok Protest, but it is apparent that Needham enjoys living in Asia, and that he uses the region as an inspiration for most of his books. When you live in Asia, Needham recounts that “stories are more interesting.”

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Asian countries like Thailand, Singapore and Hong Kong settings and characters are predominant in Needham’s books and that mysterious, suspenseful, background of small dramatic plots against larger political Asian background is the main formula that is adopted by his books. However, Needham reiterated that no matter how similar his characters and plots are to real life they are still completely “made up.”

See full video here:

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mr. Hayes February 21, 2014 at 06:39

I’m fond reading his books and he’s actually good at making suspense novels. I don’t care where he lives at as long as he’s doing great novels. I’m looking forward for his next novel.

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