Thailand’s New Court Divisions Will Speed up Convictions

by Admin on August 24, 2015

Three new divisions in Thailand’s Criminal Court, including human trafficking, narcotics and corruption and misconduct are now established, aiming to boost the efficiency of prosecutions, says Pongsak Tragoolsilpa, the court’s deputy-chief judge.

As The Nation reports, Pongsak explained that previously, the gathering of evidence to convict guilty parties was a lengthy and complicated process, but by isolating the three crimes and giving each a specific management system, this should allow judges to act with greater expertise and understanding.

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Pongsak said:

“Having more effective justice procedures in place will allow Thailand to better respond to foreign countries’ doubts or questions while also boosting confidence in the justice system. The fast and timely prosecution process would also make people think twice before committing such crimes, thereby helping in crime prevention.”

These new divisions were established by the Office of the Judicial Administration Commission (OJAC).

For more details on the new divisions, see here.

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