Thailand’s Cat Smuggling Trade

by Admin on July 12, 2013

The upsetting trade of dog smuggling is sadly well known about in Thailand, but the Pet Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) reported yesterday that between 1-200 cats were seized in the Nakhon Phanom area, apparently on their way to Vietnam to be used in the meat trade industry.

Whilst many foreign residents and tourists grimace at the thought, eating cats and dogs in Thailand is not actually illegal according to Thailand criminal law, however their transportation over borders for commercial reasons is.

The Soi Dog Foundation charity has been working hard with livestock officials at the Nakhon Phanom quarantine station to try and stop this horrifc trade from continuing.

This is the first reported seizure of cats in Thailand for such use.

Related Articles:

Thailand’s Dog Smuggling Trade

Wildlife Smuggling in Thailand: A Matter of Convenience

Thailand’s Dog Meat and Skin Trade

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