Thailand to Ban Import of Electronic Waste

by Admin on July 17, 2018

In the past month, Thai authorities have raided over 30 factories accused of illegally processing electronic waste and are taking steps to institute a total ban on importing the potentially hazardous waste.

If a law can not pass under the military junta’s legislative arm, Thai officials say that the prime minister could use his “special powers” given to him after the 2014 coup to pass the electronic waste ban.

As of now, toxic electronic waste is finding its way into Thailand in dangerous amounts to the environment, especially in agricultural areas of the country.

Under the impending change, companies who legally import electronic waste will have to follow international standards for handling and processing hazardous waste or could face stiff fines and other penalties.

Factories in Thailand and other Southeast Asian countries have seen an influx of illegally imported electronic waste in recent years in the wake of China’s progression in clamping down on polluting and implemented stronger environmental regulations on e-waste.

Read the full story here.

For company registration or other business legal issues in Thailand, contact the expert Thai business attorneys at Chaninat & Leeds.

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