Thailand Surrogacy Laws Get Tougher

by Admin on February 29, 2016

Thai doctors are being urged to follow reproduction laws under the Protection of Children Born by Assisted Reproductive Technology Act 2015, which prohibits the commercial sale of sperm, eggs and embryos.

The Act came into effect last July and also states that to use a surrogate, couples must have been married for a minimum of three years and at least one spouse must be Thai.

The surrogate must be between 20 and 40 years old, and can only serve as surrogate twice in her lifetime. She must have bore her own child prior to becoming a surrogate.

A woman who carries a baby for commercial purposes risks being jailed for up to 10 years and/or fined up to 20,000 baht.

Child custody attorneys in Thailand Chaninat and Leeds are experts in Thai family law

Foreign couples struggling to conceive can no longer come to Thailand looking for a cheaper surrogate service than they would find back home.

The Act came into being following a string of abuses of the system, including a Japanese man who had 16 babies via Thai surrogates.

Read more on this here and here and here.

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