Thailand Protests Against “Pro-Thaskin” Amnesty Bill

by Admin on November 7, 2013


Political tensions have risen again in Thailand following the proposed Amnesty Bill which is intended to pardon criminal offences committed by people on all sides of Thailand’s political divide between 2006 and 2011.

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This revised bill which is presently on the table would extend the pardon to cover the leaders of the groups involved.

Whilst there are a few different groups involved in the protests, each having their own reason for opposing the Amnesty Bill, the majority of the demonstrators are concerned the bill could pave the way for former Thai prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra to return to Thailand as the chargers against him would be dropped.

This video shows footage of the protest on Monday 4 November 2013 outside Silom MRT and Urupong:


The protests are set continue for the rest of this week. For more information on them, check here


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