Thailand Plans to Toughen Online Security

by Admin on June 20, 2017

Law will expand the government’s power to private communications

Thailand is looking to buy software that will strengthen the military’s control over the internet while simultaneously working on a cyber law that will enable them to monitor private communications according to a report by Reuters.

The reports states that “The Digital Economy Ministry aims to spend 128.56 million baht ($3.8 million) on software including a “social network data analysis system” to monitor and map individuals and relationships between more than one million online users.”

“The software will sweep and store all data available on social media to be analyzed and monitored,” Teerawut Thongpak, director of the ministry’s Digital Service Infrastructure Department, told Reuters.

Thousands of people have already been incarcerated under Thailand’s strict lese majeste law and the new law is set to target social media for violations of the law.

Read more here

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{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Gino Megan June 20, 2017 at 15:35

What happens when a Thai or farang get arrested for defamation? I mean I dont think that Thai criminal defense attorneys would touch that with a ten foot pole.

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