Thailand Strengthens Commitment to Stopping Online Piracy

by Admin on December 11, 2017

Thailand’s efforts in taking intellectual property rights more seriously over the past decade has landed them from the US Trade Representative’s Priority Watch List to the Watch List group.

In the New Year, the Economic Crime Suspension Division will aim to focus on online piracy in terms of music, movies, illegal football newscasts and e-books. An officer of the Division comments that there is already a suspected 10,000 websites on their blacklist. They will also amend the Computer Crime Act to allow for people to notify the police of suspicious websites that may be blocked by the Digital Economy and Society Ministry.

The ECD will also be focusing on educating companies about the risks of using unlicensed software. 2017 saw 227 firms using illegal software, however this was a 69% decrease since 2016. ECD authorities are noticing that the rate may be decreasing due to cloud computing and subscription models.

Prenuptial agreements in Thailand require an understanding of both Thailand law and the law of the other spouses’ jurisdiction.  

Read the full story here

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Image: Video Piracy Store

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