Thailand Looking to Adopt Japan’s Strict Traffic Laws

by Admin on May 7, 2019

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Thailand’s Ministry of Transport is contemplating adopting Japan’s stringent traffic laws, in yet another effort at staving off the huge number of traffic deaths that occur in the Kingdom each year.

A points system that adds up violations that could ultimately end up in a revoked driver’s license is one such option being considered.

Another change Thai officials are looking into from the Japanese system is criminally punishing those who aid drunk drivers, including those who ride with the driver or those who provide the driver with a car.

During the 7 days of Songkran alone this year, 386 people were killed in traffic accidents.

Although laws that punish bad drivers already exist in Thailand criminal laws and Thailand’s Land Traffic Act, lax enforcement and prosecution may be part of the reason why Thailand continues to be among the most dangerous places in the world to drive a vehicle.

Read the full story here.

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