Thailand Law Forum News Pileup: the dangerous lives of attorneys, Cambodian real estate, and other tales

by Admin on November 14, 2011

Life Insurance for Attorneys: Bad Business? Law seems to be almost universally seen as an immensely secure profession – a desk job with a high salary. However, a recent spate of attacks against four Canadian attorneys has highlighted the dangers of entering a profession that involves dealing with criminals, unstable emotions, and large sums of money. Within the last year,Montreal attorneys have been the focus of automobile arson,violent beatings (which put one man in a coma), and Molotov cocktails. It’s worth noting as well that members of the legal profession have been targeted forviolence all over the world. Thai Muslim human rights lawyer Somchai Neelapaichit disappeared in 2004, after spending 20 years as a controversial defender of fellow Thai Muslims against government brutality. His body was never found.

Cambodia: New Hipster Paradise Cambodia has been described as being “Thailand 50 years ago” – you know, before thousands of disrespectful, uncouth, undeserving farangs (with the exception of you, me, and of all our friends) invaded.Cambodia’s got everything that Thailand claims as its own: beach resorts, an up-and-coming music scene (check out the Mekong Pirates or Dengue Fever), a low cost of living, and even a seedy sex scene!  Saavy Cambodian developers are now seeking to capitalize on the flooding in Thailand by promoting international investments in Cambodian industrial estates. A tempting offer, but according to a Thailand real estate attorney, investors should always speak to qualified international attorneys before investing abroad, in order to avoid fraud.

Wealthy Chinese Nationals Apply for  US  Visas: In keeping with our earlier discussion of the high demand for US visas in China for tourism and education purposes, it also seems that older Chinese nationals leading the pack with applications for US EB-5 visas, which gives foreign investors permanent residency in the US in exchange for investments of 1 million US that create 10 US jobs. EB-Visas allow holders and their family members to work, retire, or go to school in theUS. The EB-5 is a particularly elite option for foreign nationals pursuing usvisas – more accessible types of visas can be discussed with a US Immigration lawyer.

Hong Kong Prenuptial Agreements? With divorces in Hong Kong reaching their highest numbers ever, local lawyers are arguing that the Hong Kong legal system, which does not recognize prenuptial agreements, overturn this particular law. Prenuptial agreements are useful tools in keeping lengthy divorce negotiations – and the accompanying emotional and financial costs – to a minimum. Legalizing prenuptials in Hong Kong would entail flouting cultural taboos and accepting that the concept of divorce has become a reality in Hong Kong family life. According to Thailand divorce lawyers, prenuptials are not merely a tool to prevent your future spouse from accessing your finances, but also a means for you to protect your partner. Should one spouse enter a marriage with significant debt, a prenuptial agreement can be made that protects the other spouse from being burdened with such debts.




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