Thailand Falls Seven Places in Best Places to Live for Expats, Ranks 25th

by Admin on September 11, 2019

Flag, Thailand, Asia, Nation, Patriotism

A new survey found that Thailand has fallen seven spots when it comes to best places for expats to live, coming in at 25th overall.

The Expat Insider 2019 study, carried out by InterNations, surveyed over 20,000 expats from 182 countries on the best places for foreigners to live.

They told them to rank countries based on 48 different factors that were then used to give an overall score based on five categories: Quality of Life, Ease of Settling In, Working Abroad, Family Life, and Personal Finance.

Thailand immigration attorneys point to three main issues that could explain Thailand’s drop in the rankings: stricter immigration standards for foreign residents such as the notorious TM30 Form, the unprecedented strength of the Thai baht, or perhaps the ever-increasing cost-of-living in expat hotspots like Bangkok.

Taiwan, Vietnam, Portugal, Mexico, and Spain rounded out the top 5, respectively.

Read the full report here.

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