Thailand Amity Treaty Company

by Admin on May 9, 2014

Opening a business in Thailand is challenging for any nationality, but Americans have the added bonus of being able to take advantage of the Amity Treaty. The video below by Chaninat & Leeds law firm discusses the treaty as well as the benefits of opening a Treaty of Amity Company in Thailand.

The Treaty of Amity is a treaty between the United States and Thailand intended to promote trade, commerce, cultural understanding and reciprocal legal rights between the two countries.

The treaty provides Thai and American nationals the right to operate in the other parties’ country with equal rights as those of the nationals of the country. Further, this national treatment includes reciprocal rights with regards to business and investment purposes.

A Thailand Amity Treaty Company is a Thailand registered business entity that is comprised of a majority of American shareholders which has been recognized by the Thailand Ministry of Commerce as operating under the Treaty of Amity.

Although the Amity Treaty specifies that companies with majority US ownership will be able to operate on the same basis as Thai companies. Still many restrictions, conditions and requirements exist for the operation of an American company.

Chaninat & Leeds is managed by a licensed American attorney and has been assisting with the registration of Amity Treaty Companies in Thailand since 2001.

Watch the video:

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