Thailand Amends Labor Law Regulations Regarding Employee Leave

by Admin on August 28, 2019

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Earlier this year, Thailand made a number of amendments to its labor laws, especially when it comes to the regulations surrounding working leave.

Business lawyers in Thailand state that the changes add much-needed protections for workers who need leave from work and increased requirements on employees to grant work leaves.

Under the amended Labor Protection Act (LPA), employees who have worked continuously for one year straight must be given at least six workdays of personal leave annually after that.

On top of that, workers must also be given no less than 13 public holidays of leave each year.

Employers must also get the consent of employees before they are expected to work on a holiday or overtime hours.

For employees working in restaurants, hotels, bars, or other similar establishments, substitution days can be negotiated to replace holidays, but payment must be higher.

Employees in this industry can be required to work on holidays or overtime hours.

Workers are also now entitled to take sick days if he or she is actually suffering from an illness.

If the employee is gone for more than three days, the employer can require that worker to prove that he or she is ill by presenting a doctor’s certificate.

Maternity leave under the labor changes has been increased from 90 to 98 days, but employers are still only required to pay the salary of 45 of those days.

New requirements placed on employers regarding workplace relocation were also recently made clear.

Read the full story here.

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