Thai Celebs Custody Dispute Highlights Need for Men to Obtain Paternity Rights

by Admin on September 30, 2020

Thai celebrity Pirat “Mike” Nitipaisakul has spoken out about the difficulties faced trying to obtain custody of his child Maxwell, highlighting how Thai law gives preference to the mother in custody cases between unmarried parents.

Mike has been in legal disputes with the mother of his child, fellow celebrity Sarah Casinghini, who has full custody rights of their child. According to Khao Sod English, the Thailand law has been described as unfair because Mike was denied custody rights as a result of not being married to the mother at the time of the child’s birth.

According to Thailand family lawyers, however, unmarried biological fathers routinely file paternity cases in Thailand courts to legitimize their child. Once paternity rights are awarded, fathers and mothers in Thailand are presumed to have full and equal custody rights. If there is a dispute between mother and father with equal custody rights, the Thai court evaluates individual custody cases based on the facts of the case and what is in the best interest of the child.

Furthermore, Article 1548 states that if the father was to gain custody of the child, both mother, and child (over the age of 7) would have to consent. According to Divorce Attorney Jitsopon Narasettapong, in disputed custody cases between unmarried parents, filing a paternity case contemporaneously with a custody claim can assist fathers in obtaining legal rights more quickly and efficiently.


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