Texas on the Brink of Passing Religious Refusal Law for Adoptions

by Admin on May 22, 2017

Adoption agencies can refuse applications based on religious beliefs

Texas has introduced a bill dubbed the ‘religious refusal’ law which will allow “publicly-funded foster care and adoption agencies to refuse to place children with non-Christian, unmarried or gay prospective parents because of religious objections”, reports WYFF4.

The “Freedom to Serve Children Act” was pushed by Republican lawmakers and was given preliminary approval by the Senate on Sunday. The bill only requires final approval to be sent to Gov. Greg Abbott for his signature.

In defense of the bill which has received criticism from civil rights groups, the bill’s sponsor, Sen. Charles Perry of Lubbock said, “This bill doesn’t prohibit particular groups from adopting, it doesn’t establish one faith over another.”

Alabama Senate has also approved a similar legislation called the “Child Placing Agency Inclusion Act”. The purpose of the act is to “prohibit the state from discriminating against child-placing agencies on the basis that the provider declines to provide a child placement that conflicts with the religious beliefs of the provider.”

Read more here

Related articles:

Alabama to Pass Discriminatory Adoption Law

Adoption Law gets South Dakota on Travel Ban List

Image by Stephanie R. Plichta Released

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Mary Landell May 22, 2017 at 15:18

My SO and I want to adopt a child fomr Thailand and we’ve found a really good adoption agency, but are currently looking for an adoption lawyer in Thailand. Can anyone suggest a good one?

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