Texas May End All No- Fault Divorces

by Admin on January 9, 2017

Lawmaker says the move will help to strengthen family ties

Texas lawmaker Matt Krause has proposed the elimination of no-fault divorces with the argument that it will strengthen families and reinforce the sanctity of marriage.

Express News quotes Krause as saying, “I don’t know if we don’t take our vows as seriously as we used to, but I think getting rid of the no-fault divorce piece of this may make folks concentrate on this a little harder before they enter into that relationship, or stick it out to where they can restore that relationship and the tough times in marriage.”

According to the report, the Republican Representative proposes to strike down “insupportability” as grounds for divorce. Couples looking to separate amicably will have to undergo a 3 year period of separation before filing for divorce or cite cruelty, adultery and abandonment.

Under Texas’ current divorce law, couples can opt for a no fault divorce law if they use “insupportability” as grounds for dissolving a union.

Read more here

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