Texas: Boycott Israel and We Boycott You

by Admin on May 4, 2017

State becomes the 17th state to pass law countering boycotts of Israel

Greg Abott by Gage Skidmore

Texas passed a law on Tuesday that prohibits state agencies from contracting with companies that boycott Israel joining 16 other states that have similar laws including California and South Carolina.

Under House Bill 89, a list of “all companies that boycott Israel” will be provided to state agencies that will then be barred from contracting with those companies.

“You can always count on Texas,” said Governor Greg Abbott at the signing ceremony at the Austin Jewish Community Center. “Any anti-Israel policy is an anti-Texas policy.”

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The bill was passed unanimously by the state House with 131-0 in favor and passed the Senate 25-4.

Texas now becomes the 17th state to pass the law.

Boycotts of Israel also called the The Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) movement was started to end international support for Israel’s oppression of Palestinians and to pressure Israel to comply with international law.

The movement was started soon after Israel passed its settlement law which made thousands of illegal Israeli settlements legal in violation of international law.

Read more here

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