Texas Ban on Gay Marriage Challenged in Federal Lawsuit

by Admin on August 11, 2015

Texas is seeing its stance on gay marriage challenged with two gay couples filing a federal lawsuit, says the Gay Star News.

Mark Pharris and Vic Holmes and Cleopatra De Leon and Nicole Dimetman are fighting for the right to equal protection under the law.

The lawsuit states:

‘In Texas, plaintiffs cannot legally marry their partner before family, friends, and society – a right enjoyed by citizens who wish to marry a person of the opposite sex. And should they become married in a state that has established marriage equality, Texas explicitly voids their marriage. There is no rational basis, much less a compelling government purpose, for Texas to deny plaintiffs the same right to marry enjoyed by the majority of society.’

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Rick Perry, Govenor of Texas has not been shy in voicing his opposition to gay rights.

Spokeswoman Lucy Nashed said:

‘The governor agrees with the majority of Texans, who voted to define marriage in the Texas Constitution as between one man and one woman.’

Read the full story here.

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