Taiwan to Legalize Same-Sex Marriages

by Admin on November 11, 2016

It will be the first country in Asia that will recognize gay marriages

4431253570_c90ed8429ePhoto by Mike Licht

Associated Press reports that Taiwan is set to be the first Asian country to legalize same sex marriages.

Three bills that support gay marriage are currently under development. One of the bills is currently under review and is said to pass within the next few months.

The bill is heavily supported by President Tsai Ing-wen, Taiwan’s first female head of state.

According to Taiwan’s LGBT Family Rights Advocacy, 80% of citizens between the ages of 20 and 29 support same-sex marriage, a distinct change from the 55% of the public who supported it four years ago according to Taiwan’s United Daily News.

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Last month saw Taipei’s annual gay parade, marking Taiwan as one of the most progressive countries in Asia with regards to LGBT issues. Sexual relations between same sex individuals are legal and harassment of homosexuals is banned in the country, according to a report by CNN.

Advocates in Thailand are also moving to have same-sex marriages legalized in the country. Section 1448 of Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code currently deems same-sex marriages as unlawful. However, reports indicate that a draft law is being prepared for parliament to afford the LGBT community in Thailand the same laws afforded to hetrosexuals.

Read more here

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